Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Garden-variety lefty Johann Hari has just produced a piece on the threat of gays in fascist movements.

(How did I find this HuffPost post? I was trying to find a therapist for someone in NY, a therapist who'd be a good match for a man who read and liked Androphilia. I googled and one of the links was to a blog called "Androphilia". On which some guy called Gay Species included an assertion that Jack Malebranche aka Donovan, the author of the book, was a skinhead fascist. And he linked to Hari's article, which I then read. The wonders of cyberlinking.)

Fascism. It's about as slippery a term as racism. But Hari at least offers a description of it as "a political ideology advocating hierarchical government that systematically denies equality to certain groups." Hey, I thought this was about fascism, not Islam.

Anyway, Hari makes two mistakes of fact, just for starters.

He places the male-lover bonded Sacred Band of Thebes at Thermopylae as its 300 defenders. All wrong. No historical evidence for that. There were 300 Spartans there at the head of an army of several thousand other Greeks; Thebans were included, but not the Sacred Band. Sloppy gay mythologizing, Mr. Hari.

Second, he calls murdered Dutch gay politician Pim Fortuyn a fascist because he found the growing numbers of Muslims in Holland a threat to its culture and social order. Fortuyn was more of a libertarian, but understood that liberty can only function in a culture of liberty. Which Islam is definitely not. According to Hari's own definition, Fortuyn could not be a fascist. Again, sloppy leftoid blahblah.

Speculatively, imagine if the inrush of immigration into Holland were not North African Muslims, but South African Afrikaaners going back to the land of their ancestors. Do you think for a moment that the left would hesitate to name the threat which the immigrants posed to Holland's tolerant democratic order? Please. The rule: only Whites can be evil; people of color, never (unless forced by circumstances laid on them by whites.)

Moving on, he matter-of-factly condemns fascism, especially in its Nazi form, as "the most hateful and evil political movement of all"? Pardon my dissent. Was/is Nazism hateful and evil? Of course. It was a form of dictatorial totalitarianism. But only one form. Older, briefly contemporary, and longer-lasting and more murderously and globally damaging is The Other Fascism: Communism.

Nazism was, without doubt, a horror of the first magnitude. But I submit that what is supposed to make it most evil --its racism-- is precisely what makes it less evil than Communism. It is utterly clear (at least now; Euros then as now were very often blind to it) that National Socialism is an ideology benefitting a particular ethnic group. Its self-interest is blatant and upfront about Aryans vs the rest of the inferior world, especially Jews.

Communism is more hateful and evil because it masquerades as an angel of light for an oppressed worldwide undergroup transcending race and parades equality as its banner. In fact, in every case where it has struck, it is precisely fascist, totalitarian, vengeful against whatever group held "privilege" prior to its arrival, vastly murderous of both body and soul, and blights whatever it touches. In seventy years, 100 million dead.

And, as testy and thorough Aussie John Ray has pointed out, one of the big lies of the last century, still in force, is that Nazism was a right-wing movement. This allows leftist to paint all righties as Nazis*. In fact, Nazism and Communism are both forms of socialist fascism, each one as totalitarian as the other and each as given to tyranny. Hitler....then, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, PolPot, KimJongIl, Ceaucescu, Castro, etc. etc. etc. See Jonah Goldberg.

I note here, by the way, that it is Islam which fits the above definition of fascism, and while Hari is all bothered about homosexuals in European fascist movements, past and present, he is blind to and silent about the deeply anti-gay and anti-Semitic religious fascism growing under his highminded gay nose. Again, typical lefty denial.

And while I am at it. I suspect that part of what makes fascism and Nazism so uniquely evil for Mr. Hari is their Jew-hatred. Fair enough. No argument. But, I ask, which group is the effective heart of Jew-hatred today and which entity sits by silently and complicity while it grows louder and more vile by the day? Not the fascists, but the Muslims and their lefty allies, and their dickless societies of post-Christian bien-pensant Euro dhimmis-in-training.

I have some thoughts on the "substance" of the article, male homosexuals and fascism, but for another post. I have to go off now and get to the gym, shave my head, put on my uniform, get together with my secret lover and oppress someone of color.

*And why, btw, I ask, why did George Bush never get around to opening all those camps he had set up for us homos? Could the man do nothing right? I expected this to be included in his confessional list of mistakes, but alas, no.



Leah said...

"I didn't feel any closer to understanding why so many gay men ally themselves with people who will almost always turn on them in the end..."
He is talking about radical Islam isn't he?

Jack Donovan said...

That was end part was funny.

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