Sunday, August 22, 2010

A mystery solved at last

Ever wonder why The Swiss Family Robinson is named Robinson? Not a Swiss name. That's always bothered me. The original book in German is called Der Schweizerische Robinson, Oder der Schriffbruchige Schweizerprediger und Seine Familie which is more like The Swiss Robinson Crusoe: A Shipwrecked Swiss Minister and His Family. It refers just to the father of the family, who is the narrator. In the original, the family has no last name. Thanks to Wikipedia and Google for relieving that stress for me. We now return to our regularly schedule programming: angry Muslims and sexy men.

1 comment:

LehmannStill said...

Another mystery, how did "Tod der sieben Zwerge" become Snow White and the Seven Dwarves? In the original, the lovely young pale woman is accused of habitating with seven not-height Swiss men. The seven of these men are killed in the story.

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