Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidents Day

The 1800 election that put Thomas Jefferson in the Presidency put the country on the verge of civil war. One more amazing moment when we might not have survived but did. And Mr. Small Government, once in office, was an extremely robust and powerful President.

Now that America is in its Second Muslim War, we can look back with a smile on the First Muslim War against the Barbary Coast pirates. He builds up the Navy --without Congressional approval-- and topples the Pasha by force. And, of course, we have Mr. Small Government to thank for the acquisition of the Louisiana Territories, utterly lacking Constitutional authority. He discovered that political reality trumps political theory.

But this February day is for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

I find it symptomatically unfortunate and worse that the only national holiday celebrating an identifiable person is now Martin Luther King day*, while Washington and Lincoln are increasingly lost behind the abstract collectivity of "Presidents" day.

*Not actually true. Columbus Day. But in fact that day has fallen under a pall of silence, or worse, become an occasion for White-haters of all colors to lament the existence of the very civilization and culture that gives them the grounds, concepts and words to lament it.

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