Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Men and women are not equal

It is an article of faith that men and women are equal. I don't buy it.

Just today I have watched several TV programs where women pour drinks into men's laps, slap men in the face in public, hit them with fists and throw objects at them...and fully expect that they will not be attacked in return.

It's only because they rely on the fact that that women are weaker, more vulnerable (both physically and emotionally) that this kind of stuff can be portrayed without any hint of a second thought.

And if the man did in fact respond by smacking her or punching her, HE would be the one in trouble.

Women's apparent freedom to attack males without expectation of retaliation is a full confession of their inferiority.

I'll believe that women are equal to men when they know that behavior like that will be met with equal retaliation.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Real women don't behave like that.
My parents taught my brothers that they were forbidden to use physical force against me. Of course it was a two way street, if I used it against them - all bets were off.
We were very good at psychological terror.

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