Saturday, June 02, 2012

In praise of Dhimmitude

Although Ex Cathedra's basic attitude toward Islam is hostile (as Islam's attitude toward Christendom and the West has been since its foundation in 7th century Arabia), he sometimes finds elements of this religio-political system (ie, theocracy) which he kinda likes.

He admires Arabic calligraphy. He recognizes that Islam, despite its many sexual imbecilities, is a religion for men. He admires the simplicity and ritualized physicality of its very portable liturgy. He recognizes Islam's bright scriptural strategy of not adding its holy book to intact earlier ones --as Christianity did-- but retelling the old faiths' stories within an entirely new and self-sufficient text. Much cleaner.* Above all he wishes that the West could escape its current suicidal ethical depression and become, once more, as self-confident and unapologetically self-assertive as Islam now is.

And despite Ex Cathedra's regular excoriation of Westerners for sliding into the status of the dhimmi, --non-Muslim legal status in a Muslim state--his recent ruminations on the dynamics of minority-majority have given him some respect for the idea, if not the actuality, of minorities who are protected, but not privileged.

Of course, it is hardly original or restricted to Islam that a dominant group would manage its power over subaltern groups consciously and unapologetically. Any empire or ethno-state** does this quite naturally. But the contemporary hypermoral West, in the grip of a penitential egalitarian psychosis, having lost the cultural and racial self-confidence that once made liberalism work for its interests, now finds itself in the insane position of dancing to the tune called by any demographic which can achieve status as a Designated Sacred Victim Group.

Case in point. A recent poll reveals that Americans vastly overestimate the number of homosexuals in the country. In fact, perhaps 3% of the population is gay or lesbian. And for a minority of this tiny minority, the institution of marriage is being transmogriphied.

The same game goes for race, of course: the fundamental and pre-eminent source of American insanity. And the feminists, despite the numerics of women, get them treated like a minority. And because of the work of the heavily Jewish ACLU and like orgs, the country's generic Christianity is  being outlawed and any sign of it --memorial crosses, Christmas greetings, prayer in public-- eradicated.

In a sane society, it would continue to be clear, as it long was, whose country America really was --straight White ProtestantChristian males'-- and minorities would be protected, but would lack the distorting privilege-power they have gained via modern egalitarian liberalism, which morally disarms its victims when confronted with those whom they regard as less well off than themselves. And under the lie of the "creedal nation" theory liberal groups are carrying out the legal, cultural and demographic dispossession, pathologization, marginalization, erasure and replacement of the historic Americans.

A decent, but sane, society would would never allow its majority to be threatened; it would give protection, but not privilege, to its minorities.

*Although it can be argued that Christianity's vitality comes in large part from the complex tensions between the Jewish Old Testament and the universalizing Greek New Testament. If Marcion had won in the 2nd century, Christianity might have gone the way of the Essenes.

**The term is common among White nationalists, but the reality of states built on ethnic and cultural homogeneity is hardly revolutionary. Or at least it wasn't until the last ten minutes. And of course the only states who are now really forbidden to be ethno-states are historically White.



Anonymous said...

Protestants, of all denominations, even including the Unitarians and Quakers and Mormons, now make up barely 51% of the US population.
Barely 5% of those 18-31 belong to ANY Mainline Protestant church, whose membership's median age is now over 55 and rising.

Anonymous said...

Re: »the idea, if not the actuality, of minorities who are protected, but not privileged«

What would Ex Cathedra say of a majority that is protected by a privileged minority that doesn't officially rule in the name of the majority? for instance, the British Raj.

Neo-Islam's demographic rise is considerable, especially in Western Europe; but even with a bloc voting of all Muslims in these countries in concert with an agreement by all whites never to use critical theory to embarrass Islam but only "western Christianity" and its aftermath(ematics), a neo-Islamic democracy isn't imminent.

A crypto-Sufi interpretation by Western intellectuals (e.g. IMF Managing Director H.J. Witteveen, »Sufism in Action [sc karma]: Spiritualizing the Economy«) of all institutions of the oikoumene (Luke 4:5) as set down via _political_ exoteric or outer path into _the_ world or the outside world purely for the sake of inner path or esoteric rapture along _this world_ (cp Romans 13:1-2) maybe isn't sufficient.

Unless critical theory revealing-condemning racism, sexism, homophobia (class-division) is refigured as preparatory for the _religious_ 'inner path' cheled or hegira out of _the world_.

But if Sufi critical-theory 'inner path' religion is sufficient, wherefore the need to replace the institutions of western Christianity and liberal political economy with an official or legitimated Islamic Shariah?

Anonymous said...

I meant to add 'Sufism in Action' sc also in-action, no-karma, wu wei, also nekhamma as both non-attachment (no kama, the sensuality via not) and no-karma, credit for all good in selfing, and no blame for the bad, which is borne by Melchizedek Noah Grand Inquisitor.

Sympathy for the devil? "Every Copt's a criminal"

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