Monday, June 18, 2012

Strange webfellows

Now that I have had to switch browsers and upgrade some applications, I have a new shadow friend, not of my choosing, called text enhance. It hooks up with selected words you type and connects, or "enhances", it with a link to an ad.

Here's their brilliant link to job opportunities on a site about a double Master's degree in philosophy and theology from the Dominican graduate school in Berkeley.


Anonymous said...

I can't understand why Ex Cathedra objects to Islamification, since Shariah would shroud this shameless single mother in chador or even a burka.

In fact, were it not for Islam bringing philosophy, poetry, mathematics, science, astronomy etc to the West, we Westerners would be completely unable to understand our own works of philosophy, mathematics, science, astronomy etc. We couldn't even exegete the Bible (as a kind of Text Enhance of the Quran). So theology and philosophy à la St. Thomas wouldn't even be possible for us without Islam. The Summa theologiae a.k.a. Beatrice would rot on the shelves for lack of understanders. We wouldn't even have the least understanding of divinity and love without Rumi leading the way for us!

Leah said...

Not buying the myth that Islam saved the West. It's another one of those stories the pc people use to belittle us.
As for the mom, I'm glad she's not in a chador. Cuz to be honest, being a single mom - she wouldn't be in a chador under Islam - she's have her head cut off.

OreamnosAmericanus said...

Since Leah does not know Anonymous, she understandably does not pick up his subtle Canadian paraProtestant intellectual saracasm. Or, wit, if you will.

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