Wednesday, August 22, 2012


All discourse around "racism" serves only one purpose: to keep Whites in line with the liberal project of their cultural, legal, moral, demographic and monetary dispossession. That is all there is to it. Nothing more.

As Burnham's Law points out, a society infected with liberalism is morally disarmed when faced with any group which liberals perceive to be less well off than liberals. The outcome is that such a society will be in utter thrall to and eventually under the control of its most restive and disruptive minorities.

Liberalism is indeed the ideology of societal suicide.

Only White states are liberal. If there are any non-White countries run on liberal values, --and not just UN-style fakery--I'd like to know what they are. No one but Whites would be morally blind enough to follow a set of untethered "values" that took their own tribe over a cliff.

Liberals --and religious ones are the worst-- are fond of saying things like "The measure of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable members."  That's true, but not in the way they mean. Because a huge percentage of those encompassed by that pious phrase are its most dysfunctional, draining and irreformable, a society that becomes obsessed with "its most vulnerable members" has lost its sanity

Whites: The Most Foolish People On The Planet (C)

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