Thursday, August 09, 2012

Soft dick porn

I got a promotional email from a gay porn site which included a clip from the Folsom Street fair. Outdoor sex. And it starred one of my favorite performers.

But, boy, was it unerotic. Anti-erotic. Maybe if the performers had been in a studio, or even a space by themselves, it would have been provoking. But no, in the street, not.

Why? The crowds of people at the Folsom Street fair would put you off sex for a long, long time. What a homely, unkempt, pathetic, depressing bunch of clowns.

They remind me of the naked guys in my Castro neighborhood, exercising their First Amendment rights to make you want to put pins in your eyes. People you would never ask to take their clothes off. As my cranky old canon law prof used to say, "Public nudity is a sin, but the reasons why it is a sin are not identical. Being naked prior to age 25 is a sin against chastity. Being naked after age 25 is a sin against charity."
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