Saturday, April 20, 2013

More BS from BO

Lecturing us today from the pulpit of the First Church of Non-Discrimination, Minister Barry Hussein:
"When a tragedy like this happens, with public safety at risk and the stakes so high, it’s important we do this right. That’s why we have investigations that’s why we relentlessly gather the facts, that’s why we have courts. That’s why we take care not to rush to judgement, not about the motivations of these individuals and certainly not about entire groups of people.”
Now supposed the two bomber "suspects" had not been immigrant Chechen Muslims, one of whose YouTube page is full of videos praising jihad and sharia. Suppose they had been Harry Jones and Peter Marshall, two native White guys who belonged to the Tea Party.

Or what if, as happened, there was a White police office "acting stupidly" in arresting Henry Louis Gates or if Trayvon Martin happened "to look like my son?"

Do you think that the Great and Powerful O would still be reminding us to discipline our bigoted bad selves?


PS. The surviving brother became a US citizen on Sept 11th of last year. You can't make this stuff up. Wanna bet on who he voted for in November?


Anonymous said...

That is obviously the reason President Obama has likewise refrained from comment on pending legal proceedings in the past.

- Bishop of Portland

OreamnosAmericanus said...


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