Sunday, May 26, 2013

More of my lurid past comes out

Just discovered that Gordon Gecko and Jason Bourne have sex scenes together in the Liberace biopic Behind The Candelabra.

Well, Michael Douglas as Liberace and Matt Damon as his live-in boytoy Scott Thorsen.

Having seen the trailer, I think I will skip the movie.

But I confess. I saw Liberace, live and on stage. Back in the 80's.

How it came to be is a matter for the confessional, but the end result was that I saw one of his shows --with Scott as his liveried driver. It was amazing. Over the top. And funny. He showed a movie of his house and all his rings. You guys deserve to see them. After all, you paid for them. The guy could entertain.

This was before his sexuality was revealed  --I know. How could people not know?-- and the audience was predominantly straight couples of serious middle age.  And he was fagging it up right in their faces. They loved him. Hell, my mother and grandmother used to watch his B&W TV show. But that was years before the invention of homosexuals.

One funny moment in the trailer, where Douglas/Liberace is responding to some kind of tail or other. "God, what a story. It has everything but a fire in the orphanage." Laughed out loud.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A consummate performer. Sure, his playing style may not have been the usual, but he played to entertain a more low-brow audience than other concert pianists. He was also a political conservative, and despised dissidents and rebels.


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