Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Is female Viagra a pill to thrill - or just a new headache for weary wives? | Mail Online:

"For too long now, there has been a huge gulf between the sexes — largely fostered by the counselling and cosmetics industries — when it comes to actually Doing The Deed.

Women seem to think sex should be about sharing the washing up, talking for five hours non-stop first, lighting two-dozen scented candles, taking an hour-long aromatherapy bath, being given a 30-minute massage with oil that smells like someone’s regurgitated a whole Chocolate Orange, kissing, cuddling, stroking, more talking . . . and then That Other Thing, YOU KNOW, that’s really rude and boring. And then more cuddling.*  
Basically, a cross between a spa day with the girls and a petting zoo trip with the children. (Great line! LOL!) Men, the swine, seem to think sex should be about sex."

*jpnill has been telling me this for years.

'via Blog this'


Anonymous said...

Sure, sex has a lot of theological and metaphysical components and symbolism, but who thinks about sex like that in the midst of the act? Waxing philosophical about the bliss of orgasm probably makes the bliss of orgasm harder to attain. ;)

In sex, women are more interested in the presentation: how was the foreplay, how romantic was it, how long did you kiss? Men are more interested in the act itself: how long, how hard, how often, how passionate, how sensual? In short, women focus on the feeling behind the act, men on the act itself. This obviously doesn't mean that women don't enjoy the act and that men don't have sex that lacks emotional significance. But how else do you explain committed lesbians who don't have sex, and gay couples who seek ever greater sexual thrills to sustain their relationship?


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