Tuesday, June 04, 2013


The Indiana Jones flix (numbers one through three, not four) are terrific. Amazing that they were written by the same George Lucas who has inflicted Star Wars on us. Temple of Doom is a happy festival of unabashed Orientalism. Oh, and sexism, too. Ex Cathedra enjoyed it very much.

And Harrison Ford was at his physical peak.

Which we saw a lot of.

Which helped.


Anonymous said...

I don't know about other countries' cinema, but I find it hard to believe that other countries don't have similarly negative or stereotypical views of America. Actually, I know they do. Either Americans are admirable super humans with unlimited resourcefulness and a sense of right and wrong, or they are arrogant slobs/trigger-happy psychos.


Anonymous said...

On the matter of Dr. Jones: oh good God yes. Harrison Ford was a hunk. Especially with the fanservice in Temple of Doom.

Had a question for you: for some reason, the part where Indy is a brainwashed and shirtless Kali cultist turns me on in a way I can't explain. I'm not sure it's entirely normal. Being a therapist with a keen interest in the psychology of male sexuality, I was hoping you could offer an explanation.


OreamnosAmericanus said...

Re your draw to shirtless and mindless Indy: makes him easier to objectify and you don't have to live up to his normally heroic expectations. Men like efficiency in sex, hence the popularity of anonymous hook-ups.

Anonymous said...

Huh. That makes sense. Men do like their sex to be uncomplicated and to the point. And what is more uncomplicated than a partner who has a need to fulfill your every command?


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