Thursday, August 01, 2013

Rotten to the core

John Boot laments the four Lefty Lies that ruin Hugh Jackman's X-Men movie Wolverine: animal rights trump human rights, gays are continuingly victimized in our society, women are as strong as men and liberalism is all about tolerance.

I beg to differ. The X-Men franchise has been ruined from Day One. Its very premise is its problem: that a new species of super-powerful humanoids must be seen as victimized outsiders oppressed by the discriminatory ignorance and fear-based hatred of the human race.

The truth is, as is the case in True Blood, that the victimized outsiders really do constitute a mortal threat to the human race and should be exterminated. Would Hollywood make a movie chastising the Aztecs for their racist and selfish attacks on the Spanish? (Oh, wait. They didn't attack them. They took a fatalistic wait-and-see approach and were wiped out.)

The whole premise of the movie series is to teach people yet again --certain people especially-- to make reaction formation their default mode of thinking. Reaction formation is a psychological defense mechanism whereby one embraces and expresses attitudes that are directly contrary to how one really feels, because one's real feelings are so deeply unacceptable; they are repressed and replaced by their polar opposite.

These movies teach us, as do so many organs of our suicidal culture, that when we confront strangers who are powerful and invasive, the very last thing we have the right to do is suspect them, reject them or, God forbid, expel them. That would be the worst of sins: discrimination. This schema demonizes our instincts for group survival and makes automatic submission to aliens the highest act of morality.

Hugh Jackman may be a physical marvel as Wolverine, but as an actor in this film he serves a narrative that is anything but marvelous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I confess to being a long-time X-Men fan. I've always noticed the liberal propaganda, but have been able to compartmentalize it/ignore it. Liberal pablum has nothing on cool superpowers. :)

Superpowers are the great equalizer between male and female fictional characters in my mind. A woman can fight men if she is shooting lasers out of her hands. Though your milage may vary on the women in X-Men. You either think they are complex or one-dimensional and screechy.

I propose that we preserve Mr. Jackman's genomic sequence for posterity. The things I would do to/for/with that man...


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