Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Eve of St Valentine

Looking forward to a very pleasant evening with Mr B, my so-called "unboyfriend."   Evenings with Mr B are always very pleasant. Featured on the menu tonight will be a rare delicacy: salami sandwiches.

In our history, the salami sandwich is his token of affection. I got one to get me through my last lonely night at my old job. I got one to take with me when I flew back East for my Dad's funeral.
They have often figured in the lunch menu on hikes and picnics.

Since he's gone paleo and I've gone slow-carb, neither of us eats much bread anymore. So these sandwiches will also be a rare treat. As I continue to find his lively and affable company.

Reminded me of parts of another blog post of a few years back:

Had a couple of gloomy days this week. Provoked by a parking ticket and a missed appointment. 
No need for gory details, but these otherwise trivial events sparked that interwoven string of angers, fears and loathings I keep in my cupboard. They came out to play and made my stomach churn and my brain slow to a cranky grey slush on Wednesday and Thursday. I was whiny, self-pitying and unmanly. 
Mr B, while not really wishing to know what was bothering me --he's not much for talking things through-- knew that I was bothered, and therefore was his typical "salami sandwich" helper. 
I was taken out for a hamburger at a local high-ceilinged joint jammed with noisy schoolkids. I was walked over to the liquor store that sells the cheap cigars I favor. I was given a can of pasta with sauce, fabulously decorated with a picture of FogHorn LegHorn as the spokesman for Spaghetti-O's. I was semi-humorously complimented. I was semi-humorously needled. 
I was not coddled, but I was not left alone. It did the trick. 
Part of what I try to teach my patients is to recognize what love and concern comes their way even if it is not in the package that they imagine they want or deserve. I think people miss a lot of goodness directed at them because they have a rigid and pre-conceived notion of what care or support or sympathy "ought" to look like. 
I am grateful that I have learned how to recognize it in a hamburger, a cigar, a can of pasta and a joke. Mr B did not sit down and sympathetically try to talk through all my strung-together irritations. He just showed up. It's what he does. 

Happy Valentine's Eve.


Anonymous said...

Ex, I think I've finally found a guy. He's a freshman who is joining my fraternity. He seems to be quiet and a little shy, but he immediately gravitated towards me. Any time he sees me around campus, he immediately brightens up. Otterish build, not a hint of effeminate mannerisms. A rather impressive beard for a 19-year-old! :)

I'm already feeling attached to him in a friendly way, even a little protective, and I think I'm going to lobby to be his mentor during his initiation. He could be another false alarm, but I have a good feeling about him. Maybe it's just my libido talking. But just thinking about him puts a smile on my face and makes my stomach to somersaults. And any guy who can do that to me seems like somebody to pursue!


OreamnosAmericanus said...

Good luck, and good hunting, Sean :)

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