Thursday, May 15, 2014

Liberalism in a sentence or two or three

White (male) self-hatred as a mark of moral superiority: "I'm proud of the fact that I think my people deserve to be erased."

Whatever was once disapproved is now to be tolerated worshipped adoringly as unspeakably sacrosanct, noble and obviously true, heroic and utterly admirable: mixed-race relationships*, gay marriage, giving birth out of wedlock, Black (Democrat) "empowerment", homosexual football players, illegal aliens, transgender soldiers, etc.  All these become the New Gold Standard, the highest ethical condition, beyond question and to be admired and promoted.

Egalitarianism as a path to higher status.

*The presence of mixed-race couples in advertizing is nothing short of astonishing. Message: Whites have the duty to marry non-Whites. Wiping out your Whiteness is the eschatological goal of liberal virtue.

And virtue is what it's all about, virtue as power and status.


Anonymous said...

My uncle passed away this morning. The family is in mourning, but it's not as intense as it could have been: we've had the better part of a few months to emotionally and mentally prepare ourselves for this moment.

He was a great man who lived his life to the fullest of his potential. He traveled the country seeing the national parks, and still found time to bring more than one rebellious parish to heel and construct two very admirable parochial schools; all of this while fighting colon cancer for a decade, when his initial diagnosis was one year. He's led a good life. Now he can rest. Requiem aeternam da ei, domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei.

In light of this development, I need to take my colon health a little more seriously. That means colonoscopies starting in my 30s as opposed to my 50s. And because of the link between anal sex and colon/anal cancer, anal sex is off the table for good. I have no intention of putting my parents through this nightmare, and I certainly won't do it for the sake of something that I've never experienced and was already uncertain about.


OreamnosAmericanus said...

I'm sorry to hear about your uncle, Sean, a man whom you clearly loved and admired.

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